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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Dehradun

Alcohol De Addiction Center in Dehradun | Dehradun Wellness Rehab

Alcohol is a common psychoactive and addictive substance that has the ability to control your perceptions and mood. It impairs your ability to think logically and encourages irrational behavior. Alcohol has a negative impact on both your physical and emotional well-being. It can harm your liver and brain, induce depression, raise your cancer risk, impair your immune system, develop coronary heart disease, promote obesity, and even cause death.


Dehradun Wellness, a leading Alcohol & Drug De-Addiction Center in Dehradun, provides a calm environment that includes the goodness of nature, allowing you to recover in a peaceful setting, making it one of India's best Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers. The detoxification process not only removes alcohol from the human system but also aids in the patient's mental and physical well-being. Alcohol destroys not only a person's immunity, but also relationships, careers, friends, and families. Anxiety disorders and sadness result as a result of this. Being a trusted Rehabilitation center in Dehradun, we offer a clinically integrated approach that addresses both the addiction and the patients' mental health. It also devotes the same amount of time and effort to resuscitate patients who have become adrift.


It's crucial to notice the negative consequences of alcohol and get help on time. Treatment for alcoholism is necessary in order to eliminate the risks and issues that come with drinking.

Patients during their mediation Session at Alcohol De Addiction Center in  Dehradun.jpg
Experienced Doctors at Alcohol De Addiction Center near me
Patients Exercising at Top Drug Rehabilitation Center in Dehradun
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